Shaun's words...
Having crept over 50, slightly over weight and built more for rugby that running! There is a couple of reasons for deciding this is my year to take to the roads and run in the 2019 Great North Run.
I am proud to have grown up on the Howard Estate, and over the years a good friend to the "Gibbs" and "Butcher" family.
One of my sisters, Janice is battling MS, but like Zena they are both amazing ladies who never look for sympathy or indeed, look for any special attention - despite both deserving it. So I will be running for the MS Society for Janice and St Nicholas Hospice through Zena's echoleft page.
It's a big task for me, I'm not a natural runner - but I am determined to complete the run for these two amazing ladies.
I'm not too proud to beg! So if you could spare a pound or two, I'd really appreciate your very kind donation.